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Consider Donating to Night Without a Bed Today

Updated: Jul 18, 2020

Beginning June 20, 2020 community members across the nation will be taking part in Family Promise’s first national Night Without a Bed sleepout to raise awareness and funds to support children and their families who are experiencing homelessness.

Family Promise of Clark County is adding a fun twist to their efforts by having a “Night Without a Bed Challenge.” With this challenge, community members will sleep 1 night anywhere besides the comfort of their own bed and encourage others to do the same. This could include sleeping in a car, in a tent, couch, or even on the living room floor.

To participate in the Night Without A Bed Challenge, you are encouraged to:

  1. Take the Night Without a Bed Challenge: and to post videos/pictures of their experience on Social Media using the hashtag: #nightwithoutabed and tagging @familypromiseofclarkcounty.

  2. Visit Family Promise of Clark County’s website and donate as you are able.

  3. Like and follow Family Promise of Clark County on Facebook.

  4. Challenge at least 3 of your friends to also take part in the challenge and share their experiences.

Please don’t wait to be challenged! If you desire to participate in this challenge, please accept our invitation to participate and begin challenging others to do the same!

Not on Facebook? No problem! Please share your experience with us by emailing us at and tell us about your experience! You are encouraged to also email us pictures and video messages of your experience, with the understanding that we are able to share your experiences with our community of supporters.

Our goal is to raise both awareness and funding so that we can continue our work in making sure children and their families have access to safe and affordable housing. Every $1 donated is matched three times over by community and in-kind resources.

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